Who are Studio Helga?
Welcome to Studio Helga, a motion design & web development agency based in the UK. We established Studio Helga with a very simple goal: to work with good people and create projects that we can be proud of.
Over the years we have been fortunate enough to collaborate with clients and other agencies from a range of different industries to deliver projects that entertain and engage their intended audiences. We have years of combined experience across multiple creative fields and love the creative problem solving process and working alongside passionate people.
Sometimes clients approach us with a rough outline for an idea they’ve had whilst others have a fully realised concept they need bringing to life.
So if you think we can help you, then get in touch and lets bring that new project to life together!
The Team
Chris Mackin and Charlotte Hughes founded Studio Helga in 2021 with Chris handling motion design and Charlotte taking on web development. All projects that pass through the Studio receive care and attention from both though, as their areas of expertise overlap with both having backgrounds rooted in design. When a project comes along that requires more hands on deck, we have a trusted network of freelancers who we have known and worked with for many years.
Our story so far...